Bankers Trust Australia (a division of Westpac Banking Corp) BSB Numbers

List of Bankers Trust Australia (a division of Westpac Banking Corp) BSB Numbers with address and branch details

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To view the full details for each branch's BSB Number, please click on the BSB Number on the rightmost column.

BT Fund Mgmt Ltd-BT Cash Mgmt Sydney NSW 262-111
BT Investor Choice Sydney NSW 262-222
BT Custodians Ltd-BT Money Mkt Tst Sydney NSW 262-333
BT Super Investment Sydney NSW 262-400
BT Super Savings Sydney NSW 262-405
BT Super For Life Sydney NSW 262-410
BT LSEP- Spouse Contribution Bedford Park SA 262-415
BT Business Super - Spouse Bedford Park SA 262-420
BT Funds Mgmt Ltd-BT Personal Super Sydney NSW 262-700
BT Funds Mgmt Ltd-BT Life Trust Sydney NSW 262-705
BT Funds Mgmt Ltd-BT Private Invest Sydney NSW 262-715
BT Lifetime Super Def Benefit Sydney NSW 262-720
BT Investment Funds Sydney NSW 262-725
BT Funds Mgmt Ltd-BT Lifetime Super Sydney NSW 262-745
BT Classic Lifetime Sydney NSW 262-746
BT Margin Lending Sydney NSW 262-755
BT Funds Mgmt Ltd-BT Private Invest Sydney NSW 262-760
BT Portfolio Service Ltd-Super Wrap Sydney NSW 262-770
BT Funds Mgmt Ltd-Select Markets Tr Sydney NSW 262-775
BT Funds Mgmt Ltd-BT Split Tst Glob Sydney NSW 262-780
BT Portfolio Services Ltd Sydney NSW 262-785
BT Portfolio Serv Ltd - Panorama Sydney NSW 262-786
BT Funds Mgmt Ltd-BT SMT PRP Sydney NSW 262-795
BT Funds Mgt Ltd ATF BT Prem Glob Sydney NSW 262-800
BT Funds Mgt Ltd ATF BT Prem Cash Sydney NSW 262-805

What is Bankers Trust Australia (a division of Westpac Banking Corp) BSB number? Bankers Trust Australia (a division of Westpac Banking Corp) BSB number is a six digit number used to identify bank branches for Australian banks. BSB numbers will be different based on the branch of the account holder. It is based on the bank account origin by state and city.
In order to find the check BSB number of the branch you are looking for, click on the BSB Number link next to the branch name. Additionally, the list of bank BSB numbers is visible on this page for easier access.